Saturday, April 19, 2008

peanut butter

felt an earthquake
rocking my bed at 430am
friday morning

feeling a lil loopy
not sure why

im going to miss my bff when he leaves

im so sick of all the drama
people need to grow up!!!

you know who you are
talk the talk but cant walk the walk

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

check please

So I work part time with Coding Clinic ICD9-CM
I love it.....

maybe i should become a coder??
nah i dont want to look at a cadaver-yuck

did my 6pg paper on Monsoon wedding
BSed my way thru 3pgs of it

waiting for word on child support
the asshole needs to pay

weather is beautiful
wish i could go out but working!!

david's birthday party is in 3 weeks
im stressing

I have a long lost twin in AZ!!!
No, not that one
She is a ghetto biscuit!

I miss my girls....
need to go out

i want to see my guy
he is lost

life is sucky now
and i have to put laundry away

Monday, April 14, 2008

Im a sinner, im a saint


david amazes me all the time
he remember stuff that happened over a year ago
like it was yesterday that it happened.

got library card for us today
I had to pay $5 cuz i lost my card
he didnt
he smiled for his picture and
called the lady a bitch
i didnt
even though i should of
when she told him to SHHH 3 times

i have a headache and need to sleep
too much on the brain
cant hold all the info

Saturday, April 12, 2008


so didnt post Friday cuz nothing interesting happened except
I cleaned my room like crazy......
threw lots of crap away
same thing happened today
more crap, more garbage

My feet hurt and now Im tired
this weekend sucked

Thursday, April 10, 2008

rain rain go away

UGHH I hate it when it rains
My hair frizzes like i put my finger in a socket
my pants get all wet on the bottom cuz Im short and they are long

My interpreting mentor has issues
sometimes she forgets Im there to INTERPRET
not to sit in on her class

Seen the sexy train driver this afternoon
i flirted as usual

Im overtired
I ate too late
Bacci's pizza

I just remembered I have a 6pg paper due Monday
and a quiz tomorrow

My day would be better if it stopped raining

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Ahhh what can I say about him??
He is a 100% boy through and through
he comes up with some weird things
today he said our cat Max was mexican and white

he was playing with a cardboard box that was "uncle rick's car"

Sometimes I think he has been in this world before
because he knows so much more than an almost 3yr old should know


im really excited to have my own blog now......
what im going to say, i have no clue

congrats to myself for setting this up

hopefully it doesnt bite me in the ass